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Specialist in Refractories and Fire Bricks Construction
Product Selection and application advice
Heating Up and Commisioning
Design and construction of Various Furnaces
Manufacturing Roller Kill for Decorated Tiles
Manufacturing of Various Labolatory Furnaces
Design and Modification Oil Burner to Coal Furnaces
Furnace Design, Installation & Repairs
- Tunnel Kiln in Roofing Tile Industries
Roller Kiln in Ceramic Industries
Re-heating Furnaces in Steel Plant Industries
Melting & Holding Furnaces in Aluminium Industries
Smelter Plant in Cooper Smelting Industries
Water Tube Boiler Furnaces of Power Station Plant
Takuma Boiler Furnaces in Sugar Plant Industries
Boilers Furnaces & Incinerators in Pulp & Paper Industries
Boiler Furnaces in Plywood & Timber Industries
Water Glass & Glass Furnaces
Rotary Kiln in Cement Plants
Fluidized Bed Coal Furnaces Boilers
Chain Grade Coal Furnaces Boilers
Fixed Bed Furnaces Boilers
Incinerators & Boiler Maker Industries
Hot Gas Generator & Reformer in Petro Chemical Industries
Liquid Waste Incinerators Petro Chemical Industries
Solid Waste Incinerator in General Industries
Laboratory Furnaces in Cooper & Gold Industries
Laboratory Furnaces in General Industries